Thursday, 17 June 2010

Playpen....of life changing JOY!

I swore I wouldn't get one as they look a little too much like a baby prison for my liking, but today I got hold of a cheap, second hand playpen. And I have to say, its the best baby purchase EVER. The Rubester is at that stage where she wants to explore everything. She is getting in drawers, unloading bookshelves, climbing all over the toliet, and generally mischief and mess making whenever possible. Its great to watch her learning about her world, but it also means it takes me an age to get anything done, or to leave the house as I am constantly stopping all the time to prevent her from injuring herself (or my possessions!)

Put her in it tonight with lots of her toys, and she LOVED it. It sounds rather dramatic, but it really has changed my life, now I can leave her and go to the loo, or load the car, or have a cup of tea, knowing she is safe and happy, and not about to start drinking bleach or something equally as dangerous!

It also converts to a wendy house..... but for now, I think I will be spending time in it after she has gone to bed. I loved making dens as a kid, and now it is MY DEN until she is old enough to appreciate it. Sure, we will make proper dens together with clothes dryers, blankets and the like, but we also now have a proper, structurally sound one!!

Am I a little weird?
